Birdman Group Game Progress

Birdman Group Game Progress

Feb 26, 2018. | By: Alex Stroud
1 min

Birdman progress

This is the third game to be made in the ASGE framework. The task is to make a game as a group project, based on the movie Birdman. Over the last several weeks, our group has made some good progress on the game and we are now into the final week of development before hand in. The game we are making is a stealth based game in which the player must navigate their way across a map without being seen in the nude by citizens. Along the way to the end of the level, the player must pick up his clothes before reaching the end.

My progress

My work has consisted of developing the environment for the game. As we want a randomly generated environment with buildings and other obstacles placed, it has required quite a bit of work to get working. I currently have the environment generating set up for the obstacles, and now just need to set up the probability settings for spawning the right amount of obstacles. On top of that, I am currently working with another team memeber to try and properly implement the AI into the environment so that it has all of it’s collision detection working and so it can correctly find a path to the player’s position.


Junior Games Technology Graduate.

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United Kingdom.